
Thank you Beatrice Minden for Clinton's Art Room!

Beatrice Minden (née Spiegel) was born in Toronto in 1910. Her parents were young immigrants from Galicia and Austria.

She started school at Clinton Street. She always wanted to go to university, but to help her family make ends meet, after high school, Beatrice went to night school to learn shorthand and typing. She married Arthur Minden in 1934.

Beatrice shared her husband's exuberance for life, the arts and community involvement. After Arthur's passing in 1966, and inspired by his enthusiasm for philanthropy, she created the Beatrice & Arthur Minden Foundation. In this way she offered support to many cultural and medical organizations in Toronto as well as creating scholarships in Toronto and Israel.

Friends of Clinton (FOC) was formed in 1989 through an endowment Beatrice Minden made to Clinton School for the provision of visual arts enrichment. This program provides students with opportunities to work with local artists living and working within our school community. Each May, Clinton hosts an annual Arts Night to showcase student art work that is compiled over the course of the school both during the ARTsmart sessions as well as during class time with their teachers.

Board Members


Shannon O’Rourke, Co-Chair Programming, board member

Kevin Stelzer, Co-Chair Treasurer, board member

Cindy Louie, Secretary, board member

Dan Taylor, Principal

Jessica Hartrick, Educator Liaison, board member

Franzi Erlebach, Brand & Communications, board member

Cecilia Tagliavia, board member

Stacey Rumpf, board member
